László L. Lieszkovszky

64 posts

JIRA Server Troubleshooting

Logs to check (installed on Ubuntu): /opt/atlassian/jira/logs/catalina.out/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/log/atlassian-jira.logLook for any "error"-s in the above files. If there's nothing, perhaps the kernel

Group Policy

Some notes for myself on using group policy as well as example policies and configurations. Force refresh group policy and evaluate the resultsFrom administrative command prompt (run → cmd & CTRL+SHIFT+OK): gpupdate

Tárhely szolgáltatók magyarországon

Saját toplistám a magyar tárhelyszolgáltatók kapcsán. Rackhost.hu: használtam, viszont nem kompatibilis az OctoberCMS keretrendszerrel mert az általuk használt MODSEC Web Application Firewall túl aggresszívan kiszűr mindent, így nem lehet szerkeszteni az oldalakat

Awesome Self-hosted Open-source Web Apps 2019

Hosted SaaS solution have some great advantages, perhaps the most important of which is that hopefully the company behind the product is able to maintain a sustaining business model through charging subscription fees,

Install Wekan on Ubuntu 18.04 with Apache

Wekan is a great, open-source, self-hosted alternative to Trello. It can easily be installed on Ubuntu, the trickiest part is configuring the Apache reverse proxy. This is needed since it runs on Node.

Yii2 Optimization & Caching and ActiveRecord

The Yii2 framework is all-in-all an excellent framework for building complex websites. Working with the framework can, however, be quite frustrating at times mostly due to a lack of documentation and examples. Of

Windows Machine Administration

A collection of how-tos related to the administration and monitoring of Microsoft Windows machines. Note: much of this is not original content, but for my own reference. Links are provided to the sources.

OctoberCMS Blog Quick Start Guide

This is a quick and short (read: superficial) overview of how to get started with the RainLabs Blog component for OctoberCMS. It only covers how to create a CMS page to host your blog post, and how to link it to your blog posts.

OctoberCMS Plugin Development Tips

For now this is a collection of "tips" and reminders for myself in regards to developing OctoberCMS plugins. Plugin MigrationPlugin migration involves editing /updates/version.yaml, and, as of OctoberCMS v2, adding a

Yii2 Notes

A collection of solutions to unusual issues with Yii2 / Kartik components. Proper try-catch in controller actionSee: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/14285 I had the exact same issue: calling a view inside

Our Favorite Applications ("Office" etc.)

Office SuitesAll of these observations are of course personal observations - your mileage with these applications may vary. I started looking around for an alternative to MS Office after repeatedly running into serious