How we like our Ubuntu
Personalize your Bash Experience
Increase the SUDO Password Timeout
$ sudo visudo
And add Defaults timestamp_timeout=120
(or enter any number of minutes)
Set your ls Defaults
has some pretty defaults. I always end up typing ls -lha
. Make life easier by editing ~/.bashrc
. Find the section some more ls aliases
and add yours.
A good practice to mitigate this is to open two shells before editing your .bashrc so that, if you break your login environment, you’re still logged into that other shell (.bashrc is only sourced on login, so that shell will be ‘normal’) and can likely fix or revert the damage from there. It’s a good idea to make a copy of your working .bashrc first before editing it.
- from "Editing your .bashrc" on
I also learned that you can set ls to colorize the output from this awesome article: How to Enable Colors for ls Command Output
This is what I currently alias "ls" to in ~/.bashrc:
alias ls='ls -lha --group-directories-first --color=auto'
Afterwards run source ~/.bashrc
to implement your changes.
Utility Software
Midnight Commander
Make backspace go up a directory
Edit /etc/mc/mc.keymap
and set/add the following: CdParentSmart = backspace
Default ~/.config/mc/panels.ini
Basically, we set the panel list mode user formats so that MC shows us the columns we want:
[New Left Panel]
user_format=half type name mtime | size:4 | perm | owner | group
[New Right Panel]
user_format=half type name mtime | size:4 | perm | owner | group
Show File Times in ISO Format
Edit ~/.config/mc/ini
and add: timeformat_recent=%F %T
Secure MySQL
Set mysql.d to only accept connections from localhost in /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf or mysqld.cnf or mariadb.cnf:
bind-address =
Also disable 3306 in your firewall:
ufw deny 3306