Use GraphComment in your (dynamic) Ghost Blog

Background and Research

GraphComment is fantastic, but, at least for now, their documentation is pretty scarce and doesn't help much if you're looking to use GraphComment in anything but the most standard scenario. For my part, I wanted to get GraphComment working on the very cool Zvikov theme - but this theme makes use of swiper, a js component that enables you to "swipe" between posts (among other things). This presents two problems:

  1. As the posts are loaded using js, no js that is included in the post is ever executed
  2. GraphComment expects there to be a <div id="graphcomment"></div> somewhere on the page, but of course if you wish to include more than one commenting areas you will get duplicated ID-s

So after diving into their rudimentary javascript source (thank God it's not minified!) I was able to make some headway.

The self-executing part of their script looks like this:

if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
  module.exports = function(params) {
    if (!params.url) throw 'you must provide "url" parameter (full url of your page with GraphComment)';
    if (!params.page_title) throw 'you must provide "page_title" parameter (title of your page with GraphComment)';
    return graphcomment(params);
} else {
  if (window.gc_params || window.graphcomment_id) {
    var gc_params = window.gc_params || {};
    if (window.graphcomment_id) gc_params.graphcomment_id = window.graphcomment_id;

The key here is that their initialization routine can be called with parameters! Great! Why they don't let their users know in the "documentation" confounds me.

gc_params can contain the following:

var gc_params = {
    target: doc.getElementById('graphcomment'), // You can override the default
    url: '...',             // If not provided, this is extracted automatically
    page_title: '...',      // If not provided, this is extracted automatically
    graphcomment_id: '...', // If not provided, this is set to window.graphcomment_id
    uid: '...',             // Not sure what this is but it is not required
    guid: '...',            // Not sure what this is but it is not required
    identifier: '...',      // Not sure what this is but it is extracted from the 
                            // page url if not provided
    category: '...',        // Not sure what this is but it is not required
    readonly: '...',        // Not sure what this is but it is not required
    inapp: '...',           // Not required, seems to be to manually indicate that 
                            // the widget is embedded in a facebook app
    publication_date: ...,  // Not required
    lifetime: ...,          // Not required
    theme: 'light',         // Can be 'light' or 'dark', is determined automatically 
                            // if not set explicitly
    sso_public_key: ???,    // Not required
    sso_data: ???,          // Not required
    facebook_redirect_after_login: ???, // Not required
    twitter_redirect_after_login: ???,  // Not required
    google_redirect_after_login: ???,   // Not required
    overlay: false,         // Can be set to an object
    overlay: {
       z_index: 99,
       width: 400
    overlay_direction: 'left', // Not required
    overlay_width: 400      // Enter 400 or larger

The interesting part here is that you can pass a target as well as the url and page_title manually!


Code Injection

Add the following to the "Site Header" box on your code injection page (in your Ghost admin area):

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {
        var postsLoaded = [];
        window.postLoaded = function(slug) {
            if (!postsLoaded.includes(slug)) {
                var target = $('#graphcomment-' + slug);
                if (target.length) {
                    var gc_params = {
                        graphcomment_id: 'YOUR_GRAPHCOMMENT_ID',
                        target: target[0]
                    console.log('GRAPHCOMMENT loaded: #graphcomment-' + slug);
                    console.log('GRAPHCOMMENT target does not exist: #graphcomment-' + slug);

Make sure to replace YOUR_GRAPHCOMMENT_ID with your actual graphcomment ID. Log into your GraphComments admin panel to get your ID:

Container DIV

Add a container div somewhere on your page (or .hbs template) as follows:

<div id="graphcomment-{{slug}}" data-title="{{title}}" data-url="{{url absolute="true"}}"></div>

If you use the above, the ID of the div will be set to the slug of your post. You are also setting the page title and url as data-attributes.


Now you are able to instantiate as many GraphComment instances on your page as you wish using something like this (paste it in your page directly):

<script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {
        if (window.postLoaded) {

Alternatively, call window.postLoaded('slug'); from any script, making sure to pass the appropriate "slug". For example, if your graphcomment div's ID is "graphcomment-polkadots" then you should call window.postLoaded('polkadots');

Best of luck!